Welcome to the First Post of the series 'Who's That?' where we tell you about the new and upcoming superheroes in the MCU.
MOON KNIGHT is an upcoming Marvel TV series on Disney +.
It is a part of Phase 4 of the MCU, which begins in 2 weeks on January 15, 2021, with WandaVision.
Doug Moench and Don Perlin created the character of Moon Knight. His first appearance was in the Werewolf by Night #32. Going by the name of Marc Spector, the protagonist is a former marine and CIA operative, turned mercenary.
The name itself suggests that the hero has received his powers from the moon. After being left to die in the Egyptian Desert after a job, the Egyptian Moon God Khonshu saves him. In return for saving his life, Marc becomes the Moon's avatar on Earth.
The Moon Knight is often said to be Marvel's version of Batman. Spector invested the money he earned as a mercenary and took up his new alter ego. Both he and Batman are descendants of Sherlock Holmes. They even use their custom made gadgets. The only difference is that one has powers and one does not.
Moon Knight has multiple identities. To escape his past he took up the name of Chicago multi-millionaire Steven Grant, but to keep his connections with the belly of the underworld he became cab driver Jake Lockley. He gains his powers through the shifting phases of the moon which is a very interesting idea.
Due to all his different personalities, he is very unpredictable. He is always in two minds and we can't know what goes on in his head.
As of January 2021, it is confirmed that Oscar Isaac, of Inside Llewyn Davis fame, is set to play the role of this mysterious superhero. The silver cloaked costume designed by Marc Spector himself which is truly iconic is the image that always comes to mind.
This show is slated to release in 2022, but Marvel may surprise us by giving it a late 2021 slot.
In the comics, Moon Knight has many recurring villains including Bullseye and Taskmaster, which may be in the TV series.
More details about the TV series will come soon as Phase 4 starts and continues.
Kevin Feige has guaranteed that Moon Knight will make appearances in future MCU films as soon as the TV show launches.
Moon Knight is definitely one of the superheroes which the fans will love to see on the big screen. With an intriguing mentality, a checkered past, and a dark future, literally and figuratively. It will be an awesome show. I can't wait for it.
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Good One Brother..✌️👍
Nice info
Who's This? Absolute Marvel
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