The main characters turning against each other, SWORD trying to kill Wanda, Wanda threatening SWORD agents by exiting WestView, and the shocking return of Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver, who has been coincidentally recast as Evan Peters from the X-Men franchise (Maybe they might be hinting at the Multiverse). This episode is the one where Vision confirms his suspicions about Wanda and dares to go against Wanda. This may be hinting at the fact that Wanda herself is the show's villain.
This episode begins with a flashback of the events which occurred in the previous episode.
The blip, Monica being appointed with the 'Maximoff Anomaly' (as SWORD now calls it) and Monica being pulled into Wanda's reality and how everything inside Westview is all Wanda.
After the flashback, we see Wanda and Vision trying to get their children to sleep but alas to no avail, and just when Wanda says that maybe she and Vision need help, Agnes drops in and does exactly what Wanda says.

Incidents just like this have been occurring throughout the series, and are continuously pushing Vision to try and find out 'What's outside of Westview?'. Another peculiar thing that happens in this scene is that when Agnes barges in and tries to help, Vision is against it, With the sitcom routine going on, Agnes found Vision's stance off-script as some may say, and asked Wanda whether she wanted to do it from the top again. This confirmed my theory about the character of Agnes. Out of all the people trapped in WestView, Agnes is a little strange. She rants about her husband whom we have never seen, she has this awkward personality, and she is always there whenever Wanda needs her. It's as if this character (whose ID has still not been found, by the way) has been created by Wanda herself and that's why when Vision asks Wanda about Agnes's strange behavior in their house, just moments ago, Wanda denies everything Vision says and dismisses it. We can literally feel the thoughts running in Vision's head.

Agnes tries to take care of the kids, and the next moment we see two small babies now grown up into 5-year-old boys. Wanda and Vision's children also have reality-warping powers, and as it turns out, they can turn time and age as much as they want.
We cut to the new intro for this episode, just showing us that this episode is going to be based around family and what it means to the characters.
We see Billy and Tommy bringing back a dog and bathing it in the sink, trying to conceal their actions from Wanda. But Wanda eventually finds out and then she and Vision try to tell their children about how they are a little too young to take care of a dog. Agnes comes back, this time with a dog house for the new dog, which she apparently came to know of from her kitchen window. Vision even points out the fact that something's coming with exactly what they require, in these words.

Billy and Tommy are told how are have to be at least ten years old before they can have a pet. This plan immediately backfires as they use their powers and age from 5 to 10 years. They name their dog Sparky after a little incident with a socket and Wanda spontaneously makes a dog collar appear. She displays her power in front of Agnes, who was looking somewhere else, and Vision asks Wanda about why she is using her powers in front of a civilian, which might get their cover blown. Wanda tries to justify her action, by telling him that it's all right and she does not want to hide her powers, or maybe because she has created Agnes, it is no danger.
SWORD conducts a briefing of the Maximoff Anomaly, we see footage of how Wanda barged into SWORD headquarters and takes Vision's corpse out of its room, and walks away with it. Due to the rather large scale demonstration of Wanda's powers, SWORD labels Wanda as a high-level security threat, a danger to all mankind. Still, Monica takes Wanda's side, by questioning Wanda's ulterior motives and lack of evidence for the same.

Next, we see Agent Woo, Captain Rambeau, and Dr. Darcy Lewis, discussing how they can reenter the Hex as Lewis now calls it. Monica wanted to go back into the anomaly as she thought that she may have missed an important detail about WestView and for that, she needed some complex equipment like a proton and neutron ray, some amount of the element Tantalum, and she says that she knows an aerospace engineer who can do this. Maybe she will reveal this character in the next episode where we will an advanced operations vehicle colliding with the Hex.
We even get an Endgame reference, from the scene when Scarlet Witch almost killed Thanos, all alone and would have ended his game, if he hadn't rained fire.
We also get a shot of Vision's office, where he was setting up all the new computers. Another joke was made by Norm about how Vision spoke the language of computers. They surf the web and open their e-mail, where a highly classified message from SWORD appears, requesting help to understand the nature of the Westview anomaly. Vision absorbs this message and transmits the signal to Norm, his colleague's brain, who after absorbing the message is freed from Wanda's magic and he asks Vision to help him get back to his family and requests to stop her, from doing further damage. He shares the pain he is suffering at the hands of Wanda and now Vision starts having mixed feelings about Wanda, and decides to stop all this.

They discuss how an entire town has been taken over, and that Wanda is showing tremendous, unseen power. An idea clicks about how Wanda is not creating anything, she is just rewriting reality and turning them into time appropriate object as per her wishes. When Monica was sucked into Westview, she was wearing a Kevlar vest and the clothes which she was wearing in Wanda's sitcom, those clothes were also made of Kevlar. From this fact, they get the idea of sending something which was already time appropriate, like something from the '80s for this episode. So SWORD sends an old drone into Westview, and for the first time, they get real-life footage from Westview aside from the broadcasted show.
The drone nears Wanda's house, the kids ask Wanda if she has any siblings, a reference to Pietro Maximoff (foreshadowing.!!) Sparky gets scared and leads Wanda's family outside. Monica tries to communicate with Wanda, through the drone, but She did not know that SWORD's boss Tyler Hayward had armed the droid and so he ordered his men to launch a missile at Wanda. Then an epic scene ensues, with Wanda finally stepping out of the Hex and threatening Hayward. He tells her that she can't continue to trap innocent people and expect everyone to be quiet about it. She told them that if you don't bother me, I won't bother you, a mutual agreement. She takes control of the minds of the soldiers and points all guns at Hayward. Wanda even aims her powers at Rambeau. Monica tries to reason with Wanda, but she does not listen and walks back into her world.

After the drone incident, Sparky ran away, and now the kids and Wanda are trying to find him, they encounter a mailman, who says 'Don't worry kids, your mom would not have let him get that far', again referring to the people who have been trapped here by Wanda.
They reach Agnes's house and see a sad sight. Their dog, Sparky died after eating some poisonous Azalea leaves.
The boys in grief, try to age themselves to escape this pain, but their parents convince them otherwise. Wanda tells them about the permanency of life and the irreversibility of a few events. The children ask her to reverse their dog's death. As Wanda can fix everything, they ask her to fix his death. Wand tries to convince them that she can't perform such miracles and consoles them. This incident may have implanted the idea of bringing back her brother into Wanda's head.

Wanda and Vision reach home. Vision confronts Wanda and asks her 'Why?'. He tells her about how he spoke to the real Norm at his office. The one not under Wanda's oversight and tells her to stop this madness. He tells her about how she can't control him, as she controls others and stands against her. Wanda tries to end the show, by running the credits, but this time Vision resists. He orders her to tell him the truth. He even comes up with his own theory, about how Wanda was unknowingly controlling everyone at first, but now she has learned the power she has and is taking advantage of it. Wanda tries to look away from these accusations, but then Vision starts asking the questions which we the fans have been asking since the second or third episode.
He asks her 'What is outside of Westview?' to which she replies 'You don't want to know' as Vision is dead in the real world. Vision takes a real stance against Wanda and floats up, ready to fight. Wanda too glides up showing similar intent. He asks her why aren't there any other children in Westview. Wanda, unable to answer such questions sits down and tells Vision how he is everything he ever wanted to be irrespective of him not able to remember his past. After a while, Wanda calms down, and just as Vision tries to talk, the doorbell rings. Vision thinks that Wanda did it on purpose, but as it turns out this was not her doing.

We see the return of Quicksilver but this time we see the face of Evan Peters from the X-Men franchise. The episode ends with Quicksilver saying 'Who's this popsicle?' indicating that he has never seen Vision before. This reveal has opened so many possibilities, multiverses, introducing the mutants, time-traveling X-Men, who knows what Marvel has in store for us. I just can't wait for episode 6, coming next week.
So, this was all for WandaVision episode 5. This was one of the longer episodes and it literally feels like watching a movie, every time I see it.
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