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#11 WandaVision Episode One 15th January 2021

Updated: Jan 27, 2021


WandaVision has finally been released on the Disney + platform. After a gap of 18 months, since Spiderman: Far From Home, Marvel Studios is back with another entertainer.

On the occasion of the show premiere, we have been gifted with two episodes, and in these episodes the show has already wrapped itself in the suspenseful tales of Wanda and Vision's past in the MCU, referring to many moments and characters from the movies.

It all began with both the protagonists driving as a married couple into this little town called Westview. This episode being the pilot, was just a heartwarming welcome to the fans, getting to see the characters again.

The episode was primarily based on the sitcoms of the 1950s. It was shot before a live audience, had all the old special effects, and was also in black and white.

Stark Industries were referred to in this episode, in an advertisement for their ToastMaker 2000. If you listen carefully, you will notice that when the toaster is switched on it makes the sound of Ironman's pulsor beams being charged and ready to launch.

In this episode, Wanda and Vision invite Vision's boss (Ironically Vision works in a company producing Computational forms and according to the workers, Vision's the fastest worker) for dinner, and being as awkward they are, they mess it up.

After the mess, the plot for the show moved forward. The boss started asking questions bout Scarlet Witch and Vision's past. Astounded by the fact that they do not know their own history, both of them become suspicious and start to notice that something is out of place.

Both the main characters, in all the trailers have been shown to have been lured into a world where all events are scripted and the organization responsible for these events has been monitoring all the happenings in their fake world. Whenever Wanda and Vision begin to suspect anything, they change the script and introduce an element of chaos in the surroundings to distract the heroes.

This is proved too. When Vision's boss starts asking them questions, he starts choking on his food. Just as Wanda and Vision start doubting their world, their existence, their focus is shifted so as to prevent them from discovering the truth.

At the end of the episode, we see the first glimpse of presumably SWORD (Captain Marvel also featured SWORD). We see a person, at a table with some screens before her. The TV show was being broadcasted on this screen. We see the logo which we have seen in the earlier trailers and the episode ends (After a very long credit sequence).

So this is all that happened in Episode One of the new series.

See it now on the Disney + platform.

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